Allan Salas horses
Allan Salas Fire
Allan Salas Hand and bullets
Allan Salas photography mountain
Allan Salas photography portrait freddy
Allan Salas photography house
Allan Salas photography bird, hand, dad
Allan Salas photography cave, bush
Allan Salas photography opossum dead
Allan Salas photography, gun, hand
Allan Salas photography landscape, cross, path
Allan Salas photography dog
Allan Salas photography rope, hangman knot
Allan Salas photography  storm, sea
Allan Salas photography eye, portrait
Allan Salas photography, men, ground, dead
Allan Salas photography  old man hair
Allan Salas photography tree
Allan Salas photography dead bird
Allan Salas photography night sky

The Rooted Heart Began to Change

Faced with mortality, the imagery of land and death develops into a poem. Between the body and the self, nature and nothingness, eternity and the ephemeral, The Rooted Heart Began to Change functions as a diary. It illustrates an inward exploration of the spirit seeking to understand human anguish in the face of the unknown.